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Why does fiber laser cutters not emit light?


If the laser cutting machine does not emit light, it will not be able to use the laser to cut the material. It will have a great impact on our production and processing. Therefore, we must check why the fiber laser cutting machine does not emit light, and reduce the failure of the fiber laser cutting machine, causing our economic losses.
So, what causes fiber laser cutting machines not to emit light?
1. By observing the current meter of the fiber laser cutter, check whether there is any current indication. If there is no current indication, the circuit of the fiber laser cutter should be checked;
2. Check the water circulation system of the fiber laser cutter, and we can also find the reason why it doesn't shine. If the water circulation system is not normal, then the fiber laser cutter can not work properly;
3, if you check the above two points still unable to determine the reasons for the optical fiber laser cutting machine does not shine, you should find the manufacturer to repair;
When we find that the fiber laser cutting machine does not emit light, we can adopt the above processing methods to ensure the fiber laser cutting machine can work properly.
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