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Laser products may cause damage to the human body. How should we protect it during use?


The laser beam is a kind of high brightness, high power, high energy, strong laser irradiation on human skin caused by burns, if directly into the eye, or in a light (mirror like) surface reflection can also be caused by injury, will cause permanent damage to the eyes until blindness. Therefore, you should avoid putting any part of your body in the light path of the laser, especially paying attention to the protection of the eyes and skin so as not to cause harm.
Different types of lasers do harm to humans differently. In laser processing, CO2 and YAG lasers are most commonly used. YAG laser can damage the retina of the eye, because the wavelength of YAG laser is very high to the eye, so it is more harmful. CO2 laser is mainly harmful to the eye cornea burns. Two kinds of laser irradiation may cause eye cataracts and burn the skin. Therefore, when adjusting the laser, the corresponding protection measures should be adopted according to the different kinds of laser.
At the same time pay attention to fire protection. When laser processing, often use auxiliary gas, plus processing sparks, splash, easy to cause fire hazard, so the work area is prohibited to put flammable and explosive materials, and must have corresponding prevention facilities.
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