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Common fault maintenance of laser marking machine


1. malfunction
Turn on the key, the switch doesn't respond 
Turn on the key, the switch doesn't respond
1) the power supply is out of phase or out of phase; 
2) the air switch is not closed; 
3) the emergency stop switch is pressed. 
processing method
1) restore the power supply; 
2) closed air switch; 
3) turn off the emergency stop switch.

2. 故障现象
1) 标刻物件不在聚焦面; 
2) F-θ透镜被污染; 
3) 软件参数不对; 
4) 软件输出异常。 
1) 调整焦距; 
2) 清洗F-θ透镜; 
3) 重新调整参数; 
4) 重启软件。


3. 故障现象
1) 控制没有上电; 
2) USB连接线松的; 
3) 卡的驱动是否没有安装好; 
4) USB控制卡损坏。 
1) 检查钥匙开关是否打开,开关电源是否无输出; 
2) 检查USB连接线; 
3) 重新安装版卡的驱动; 
4) 更换控制卡。

4. malfunction
No laser output
Reason analysis
1) software settings are normal;
  2) power key is open;
  3) USB control card red light flashing;
  4) internal faults of laser power supply or laser.
processing method
1) check the software settings;
  2) turn key;
  4) please contact our technical staff.


5. malfunction
A graphic or literal distortion or distortion 
Reason analysis
1) 软件没有进行矫正,或者数据丢失; 
2) 振镜电源供电不对; 
3) 信号干扰; 
4) 控制板卡有问题; 
5) 振镜故障。 
1) software is not correct, or loss of data;
2) mirror power supply fault;
3) signal interference;
4) there are problems of control card;
5) vibration mirror fault.
processing method
1) parameter adjustment;
  2) adjust the switching power supply voltage, or replacement;
  3) to confirm the reliability of grounding signal line is bad;
  4) replace the control board;
  5) replace the galvanometer.










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