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What should operators pay attention to when using laser products?


Answer: laser equipment is a professional product, operators must pay attention to the following points when using:
1. laser equipment operators must undergo special training to a certain level, and in the premise of the consent of the security administrator, in order to apply for operation;
2. laser equipment operator or close to the laser in use during the personnel should wear appropriate laser goggles and protective clothing, wear protective glasses in the region, there must be a good indoor illumination, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the operator. In order to protect the operator, it must be equipped with machining, protection, screen and so on. There shall be protection against laser diffusion and protection of operator safety in the processing room. The laser should be closed when the processing room is open;
3. before use, please read the instructions of each product carefully, and follow the method in the instruction strictly, use the corresponding equipment;
4. regular maintenance of equipment, troubleshooting ahead of time;
5. laser light path related components are strictly forbidden to disassemble, and the equipment cannot be operated normally because of the unauthorized disassembly, and the Chinese workers' laser does not bear any responsibility;
6. non professionals shall not disassemble the equipment. The maintenance should be carried out by qualified Chinese laser professionals. In order to be safe, please do not damage the label and uncover the cover. Otherwise, any damage to the product will not be guaranteed;
7. if you have any questions about this product, please contact our after-sale maintenance staff for your first answer.
Frequently Questions

Common fault maintenance of laser marking machine

1., the phenomenon of opening the key switch did not respond to the cause analysis 1) power supply without electricity or phase; 2) the air switch is not closed; 3) the emergency stop switch is pressed. Processing method 1) restore power supply; 2) close air switch; 3) turn off the emergency stop switch. 2., the failure phenomenon can not reach the expected marking depth; cause analysis 1) the object is not on the focus surface; 2) F- theta lens is contaminated; 3) software parameters are not correct; 4) software output anomalies. Processing method 1) adjust the focal length; 2) clean the F- theta lens; 3) readjust the parameters; 4) restart the software. 3., the phenomenon of software when opening,

Date:2017-07-17 Hits:34457

How is laser processing technology carried out?

Laser processing technology is the technology of cutting, welding, surface treatment, punching and micro machining of materials (including metal and nonmetal) by the interaction of laser beam and material. Laser technology is a comprehensive technology which involves many subjects, such as light, machine, electricity, material and detection.

Date:2017-07-17 Hits:33502

Laser products may cause damage to the human body. How should we protect it during use?

The laser beam is a kind of high brightness, high power, high energy, strong laser irradiation on human skin caused by burns, if directly into the eye, or in a light (mirror like) surface reflection can also be caused by injury, will cause permanent damage to the eyes until blindness. Therefore, you should avoid putting any part of your body in the light path of the laser, especially paying attention to the protection of the eyes and skin so as not to cause harm. Different types of lasers do harm to humans differently. In laser processing, CO2 and YAG lasers are most commonly used. YAG laser can damage the retina of the eye

Date:2017-07-17 Hits:33861

Why does fiber laser cutters not emit light?

If the laser cutting machine does not emit light, it will not be able to use the laser to cut the material. It will have a great impact on our production and processing. Therefore, we must check why the fiber laser cutting machine does not emit light, and reduce the failure of the fiber laser cutting machine, causing our economic losses. So, what causes fiber laser cutting machines not to emit light? 1, through the observation of fiber laser cutting machine current meter, check whether the current instruction, if there is no current instructions, fiber laser cutting machine of circuit should be checked; 2, check the fiber laser cutting machine water circulation

Date:2017-07-17 Hits:46803